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  • 61% of Large Firms to Automate Tasks with AI

61% of Large Firms to Automate Tasks with AI

Plus, Your Facebook Memories as Training Data?

cnn.com · 4 minute read

A recent survey reveals that 61% of large US firms plan to use AI for tasks previously done by humans within the next year.

Human jobs will be replaced — but will be replaced by other humans using AI

wired.com · 5 minute read

Meta's use of public Facebook and Instagram posts for AI training sparks privacy concerns about digital histories being repurposed.

cpr.org · 5 minute read

The first comprehensive AI regulation in the U.S. is set to roll out in Colorado, aiming to protect public interests and ensure ethical use of technology.

gizmodo.com · 4 minute read

Tesla's shareholder meeting saw Musk making wild predictions about the Optimus robot, including a future where it could babysit children and teach them.

it can sort of babysit your kids, it could teach them... be a teacher

thehill.com · 2 minute read

Generative AI systems may unintentionally promote antisemitism and distort Holocaust facts, according to a UNESCO report.

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msn.com · 8 minute read

Tech firms' search for sustainable energy to power AI highlights the challenges and contradictions in their environmental promises.

thenationalrobotarium.com · 3 minute read

Researchers have created an AI tool that helps farmers predict crop yields months in advance, optimizing resource use and reducing waste.

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